You all do all the managing, planning and preparation for the service to keep us in good spiritual health. What can we, the congregation, do for you, the leadership, to keep you well?
“Where two or more are gathered in my name, I’m right there in the midst of them.” It’s a truly awesome thing we do, when we gather to worship! There are many of us. We preach, teach, pray, make us aware of outreach, play instruments, sing, operate sound equipment, prepare communion, serve communion, prepare bulletins, greet, count the offering, and open and close the buildings. We keep the buildings clean and in good shape, and we keep the grounds looking beautiful. We do all of this so that we can gather in God’s name!
What can we do to keep the leadership well? We can show love. Many of us are already doing that. Take credit! Most of us are familiar with Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages, 1992. We each have a particular way of showing love, so use the “love language” that is natural for you! Here are some ideas:
*Words of Affirmation. Was something meaningful to you in worship? Tell it. Say it. Write it.
*Acts of Service. Many, many of you are contributing to worship itself. Some contribute their time and energy in cleaning, mowing, and repairing. And, there’s always planning and teaching.
*Quality Time. Be totally present when you’re interacting.
*Physical Touch. There are always hugs, pats on the back, hand squeezes.
*Gifts. You already do this. There are gifts from the garden. Baked dishes. A flower or two. Small things that show your appreciation.
A final note: If and when you might have some constructive observation or criticism, take a hint from Dale Carnegie—yesteryear’s How to Win Friends and Influence People—make a sandwich: Wrap your criticism/observation/beef in between words of affirmation. It goes down better that way!