On September 12, I will be traveling to Lincoln, Nebraska to participate in an exciting new ministry called the Emmaus Road Discipleship School. This program is the vision of our own Charlotte Liggett (Calvin and Rosemary Hartter’s daughter). A couple of years ago, Charlotte began to realize that the church has not always taught people how to be disciples of Jesus Christ even though we’re pretty good about teaching people how to be church members. Charlotte wanted a program that would teach the basics and the heart of what it means to be one of Christ’s disciples out in the world. The Emmaus Road Discipleship School was born.
Through an amazing series of answered prayers—enthusiastic support from the Nebraska region of the Christian Church, grant money from the Lilly Foundation, a willing team of facilitators who all said yes immediately—the Emmaus Road Discipleship School is now a reality. Participants make a three-year commitment to study core aspects of the Christian faith: prayer, worship, scripture, service, testimony, the Holy Spirit, and spiritual formation. They meet once per month throughout the school year. Each year the content deepens from “Seeker” to “Pilgrim” to “Disciple” levels.
I have been asked to facilitate the sessions on prayer. This means that I will be with them one weekend each September for three years. This year, the dates are September 12-14. If you would like to know more about the Emmaus Road Discipleship School, please visit their website: www.emmausroaddiscipleship.com. I am thrilled to be part of this exciting ministry.
While I am away, seminary student and candidate for ordination Bryan Burris will preach and lead the worship services. Please support Bryan with your prayers and your presence. And please pray for the participants and the leadership team of the Emmaus Road Discipleship School.