I have good news to share. Really good news. Because of our faithful giving for the 2016 church budget—and because of God’s providential miracle working—we are pleased to announce the call of our new part-time Minister of Christian Education. At a called meeting on December 20, the Board approved a unanimous recommendation from the Personnel Committee to bring Rev. Amy Johnson onto our church staff! She will begin in early January.
Amy comes to us most recently from Central Christian Church in Decatur. For fourteen years, she served as the Associate Minister at Mackinaw Christian Church where she developed the premier youth program in the Illinois and Wisconsin Region. Mackinaw consistently sent the most children and youth to church camp and to events like Summit due to Amy’s enthusiasm, organization, and motivational skills. In fact, Eureka Christian Church sent the most youth to Summit in November, due entirely to Amy’s encouragement.
Amy has many great gifts, but I’d like to highlight three of them. The first is her passion. It fills her so completely that it just spills out all over the rest of us. She ignites any room she is in. She also knows how to call forth gifts in others. Amy sees with an intuitive vision. She has a remarkable way of helping children, youth, and adults become all that God intends for us to be. In ministry circles, we talk a lot about equipping the saints; Amy knows how to do that. But the thing I admire most about Amy is how she is able to develop programs that do not rely on her energy, vision, or presence to thrive. Her work is never Amy-centered; it is Spirit-centered. It is a great benefit and blessing to the churches she serves.
I am so excited about our future with Amy on our staff. Truthfully folks, I think we are going to be unstoppable. Get ready Eureka Christian Church, a new day is coming! And it’s going to be great!