The Laity group will be hosting Rev. Dr. Christal Williams, CCIW Assoc. Regional Minister, on Sept. 17, 7:00pm, in the Fireside Lounge at the church for their first regular meeting of the year. Rev. Williams was one of the delegates to the 2012 Woman-to-Woman Worldwide (WWW) trip to China. She will give a presentation about the trip and about our mission work in China.
Woman-to-Woman Worldwide (WWW) is sponsored by the International Disciples Women’s Ministries and administered by the staff of Disciples Women in conjunction with Global Ministries. Woman-to-Woman Worldwide responds to the call for church women to experience solidarity with one another, to affirm the unity of the church in Jesus Christ and to join the common struggle for justice and peace in the world today. These international, ecumenical and personal experiences encourage faithful women to see the world through new eyes and bring that perspective back to their congregation and community.
Laity welcomes interested members of the congregation to join them for this timely view of present day China and our mission work there. Please note your intention to attend on the “Sign-Up Chart” on the narthex table by Sept. 15 so that we may plan for seating and refreshments. Welcome all!