This Sunday, February 19, I will be preaching on the story of Jesus’ transfiguration from Luke 9:28-43. Here’s a preview.
Luke tells us that Jesus takes an inner circle of his disciples—Peter, James, and John—up to the mountain to pray. And as he is praying, a change comes over him. He is transfigured; he is transformed. His face becomes radiant and his clothes become dazzling white. This is the light of heaven come down to earth. Suddenly the scene changes, and Jesus is not standing there alone. Moses and Elijah stand with him in that glorious light.
Not quite knowing what to say—I mean, who would—Peter suggests that they build three huts so that Jesus, Moses, and Elijah can hang out for a while. But this is the wrong impulse because the Spirit of God cannot be confined or enshrined. The Spirit of God MOVES!
Let’s ask ourselves the question: Peter wanted to build these booths to hold onto that mountaintop experience; why do we build them? Because we do build a lot of booths. When I look around, I see a bunch. I see comfort zone booths—those cozy places where we never have to try too hard or think too much or stretch too far. I see booths of stubbornness. Booths of division. Booths of resentment.
And, I see booths of fear. Booths of fear all around. So often we are simply paralyzed by fear—fear of failing, fear of looking stupid, fear of standing out, fear of life, fear of love, fear of trying something new, fear of being someone new, fear of change, fear of speaking the truth.
But what does it say in the Bible again and again? “Do not fear.” Do not fear! Why? Because God is with us to give us strength and encouragement, guidance and inspiration.
What are you afraid of? What am I afraid of? Church, what are we afraid of? Let’s cast it all out! “Be gone, ye fears! Be gone, ye booths!” Our Christian life has no room for these tabernacles of suffocation, for we have places to go and gifts to share, and we know God will be with us every step of the way.
I’ll see you Sunday.
Worship at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m.
On-site at 302 South Main Street Eureka, Illinois
Online at or
Thank you so much!
I fear that fear can be my biggest obstacle. But some times it’s other people’s fears that hold me back. I need to not be swayed when I hear negative comments about new possibilties in my life!