Choose the Lighter Path
By Harry F
Are we in darkness? From whence doth the darkness come? How can we find the light?
Each of us makes many decisions throughout the day, the week, the month … well you know what I mean. Each decision is a fork in the path that we have chosen for our life. Each decision will lead us toward brighter light or deeper darkness. Most of the time, we know exactly which direction we are going. Yet, we often move into darkness. It is our choice!
Recently I purchased some items. The seller and I agreed on ten dollars for each item. A friend picked up the items I had purchased. Initially I thought there were 51 items and sent the seller a check for full payment. Yesterday I learned that I had received 54 items, not 51. The seller would never have known of the additional three items. I had a choice. Say nothing or send a second check for the additional three items. Today I sent the seller a second check and apologized for my error. I chose light, not darkness.
Much of the darkness in our lives comes from our choices. Will you hold a grudge today? Why not forgive your transgressor? After all, your anger and desire for revenge does not affect them. Yet that same anger creates turmoil in your heart and casts a shadow of darkness over your entire day!
As we make our daily choices in preparation for Advent, let us choose the light of Christ in every decision! May we live no more in darkness!
Prayer: Lord, help me to choose light, today and every day. Amen