For a 24-hour period from 8:00 p. m. on Maundy Thursday, April 6 until 8:00 p.m. on Good Friday, April 7, we will keep vigil with Jesus during the pivotal moments in his journey to the cross.
In this reimagined experience of the classic Stations of the Cross you will be invited to pray and meditate at eight prayer stations that will be set up in our Chapel:
- Station One: In the Garden
- Station Two: Betrayal and Arrest
- Station Three: Peter’s Denial
- Station Four: At Trial
- Station Five: Torment and Anguish
- Station Six: Crucified
- Station Seven: Last Breath
- Station Eight: Laid in the Tomb
There are a few one-hour prayer times still available. Sign up this Sunday or contact Rev. Jennie at (309)467-2369 or